The NTSB probe also determined that fatigue almost certainly played a role in the…
Around the world, there are over 1.6 million seafarers manning approximately 50,000…
Short staffed and overworked crews—stranded on extended shifts during the pandemic—seem reason enough to…
In the case of a maritime incident gone viral, some of the world’s best and most experienced mariners…
When a maritime casualty occurs, the vessel owner’s counsel may work to defend the involved captain, but...
Recently, while under tow by the towing vessel Island Chief, an unmanned barge crashed into…
Professional mariners are exposed to a number of stressors due to their…
The CDC has issued an Order that requires all persons to wear face masks when…
The USCG has issued a warning to mariners to not disable their vessel's Automated Identification System (AIS) due to the…
What started as a tranquil day towing barges downriver, quickly deteriorated as two barges—and all hell—broke loose...
The sophistication of locks, dams and bridges, the unpredictable fluctuations in water levels and the consequences…
All of these commercial vessels were operating in close quarters with a fleet of small yachts, sailboats and…
A towboat captain, pushing loaded barges on a high and fast-moving river, made two decisions that put his career and USCG license in jeopardy...
Praises to Docking Pilot Captain Robert Ellis of McAllister Towing for…
Sometimes, what we think in the moment is our best course of action, does not…
There is substantial evidence showing that fatigue and distraction are…
When human and technological distractions came together on the bridge of a towboat traveling downriver…
“National Maritime Day, a day we honor all United States professional mariners for…”
“Watch how MOPS insureds work their magic, both professionally and photographically…”
“Fifteen years ago the Bow Mariner caught fire and sustained…”
“NTSB's places "Eliminate Distractions" in the top ten of its Most Wanted...”
“Ferry Folgefonn visited three different ports in a fully autonomous operation without…”
“Recently, several legal issues surrounding new technologies have…”
Whoever could have predicted that a federal law enacted in 1920 would be…